Saturday, October 3, 2015

Photographer of the week (8)

Hal Moran
In my last post I mentioned two of my dads inspirational photographers, Ansel Adams and Hal Moran. Since I am already familiar with Ansel Adams work I challenged myself to learn more about Mr. Moran.
You can absolutely tell what is important to Hal by what he photographs most: nature, his daughters, and old cars. Many of his scenes are absolutely breathe taking and leave you speechless. A lot of his images are edited and made to look dreamy. While I think this works for some of his photos, I think it is a bit too much for others.

Photographer of the Week (7)

Bubba Anderson
The next photographer I'd like to feature is actually my dad. It is because of him that I am so interested in photography. My dad never took any classes in art or photography, he just taught himself how to use the equipment and how to make the best compositions possible through a lot of research and trial/error.
During the interview with my dad he told me his inspiration is Ansel Adams and Hal Moran.
He shoots a lot of landscapes, wildlife, sports, and portraits but his favorite is landscape. His least favorite is portrait because it is a lot pressure, most people have a very high expectation and he doesn't ever want to disappoint.
He just recently started experimenting with HDR photos and would like to learn more about that. One area he knows he needs to improve in is editing. Finding a happy medium between too edited and not edited enough, or how different components effect the mood of the photo. 
He says is goal as a photographer is to capture the beauty of God's creation for everyone to appreciate. He states, “ When you get out there and experience things and have an opportunity to capture it, it is your responsibility to bring it back so other people can enjoy it.”

Photographer of the Week (6)

Allison Zehner
All of the photographers I have blogged about thus far are published photographers. The next few people that I feature will not be professional, published photographers; but photographers that I personally know that continually help me grow in my own practice.
The first person I’d like to feature is my dear friend Allison. She helps me realize that I don’t need really expensive equipment to take a good photograph; most of her pictures were taken using the same camera I use. Although she still has a lot of growing to do, I appreciate how hard she works to be the best she can be.  

 Upon interviewing Allison I asked what she wants viewers to know about her work: “My work has a lot of emotion put into it. What I'm feeling when I'm taking the photograph I try to portray through my editing. Whether it be messing around with the temperature, saturation, color, ect. Nice days are vibrant. Relaxing images are warmer. Things like that.”

Where she sees herself going as a photographer: “I have previously photographed a friends band as a fun little non paying gig and recently photographed a friends wedding also a non paying gig. Right now I am trying to build up a wide ranged portfolio and hopefully end up at a magazine or director of photography.”

What motivates her: "The beauty and thousands of words a photograph is able to convey. Controversy and beauty inspire me. Along with the need for art itself.”

One thing I love about her photography is that her photos do covey an overwhelming sense of emotion. Especially in a photo series she did on a broken relationship, you get a glimpse of their time together through these 11 photos.

In the first 4 photos both women are happy and seem content. Then in the 5th picture you see this image of Jayne and her eyes are shadowed over, making her look sly and almost evil. In every photo of Jayne past number 5 her mouth is covered, which makes me think she is hiding something from Allison. The photos from then on are melancholy at best. In photo number 8 you can feel the sickening pain Allison is feeling. The last photo of Jayne in the series (number 9) you don't see pain in her eyes like Allison has. As the series wraps up with images of only Allison you get the feeling that she was left feeling alone and scarred from their time together.