Saturday, October 3, 2015

Photographer of the Week (7)

Bubba Anderson
The next photographer I'd like to feature is actually my dad. It is because of him that I am so interested in photography. My dad never took any classes in art or photography, he just taught himself how to use the equipment and how to make the best compositions possible through a lot of research and trial/error.
During the interview with my dad he told me his inspiration is Ansel Adams and Hal Moran.
He shoots a lot of landscapes, wildlife, sports, and portraits but his favorite is landscape. His least favorite is portrait because it is a lot pressure, most people have a very high expectation and he doesn't ever want to disappoint.
He just recently started experimenting with HDR photos and would like to learn more about that. One area he knows he needs to improve in is editing. Finding a happy medium between too edited and not edited enough, or how different components effect the mood of the photo. 
He says is goal as a photographer is to capture the beauty of God's creation for everyone to appreciate. He states, “ When you get out there and experience things and have an opportunity to capture it, it is your responsibility to bring it back so other people can enjoy it.”

1 comment:

  1. Your dad's photos are AMAZING. Before I even read that it was your dad I was just scrolling through the images and I was wondering who took these. This is awesome and it's so neat that you have your dad's photography to inspire you!
